Comprehensive Plan Update

Workshop Information

St. Leo is updating the Comprehensive Plan to ensure the plan is well organized, concise, engaging, and most importantly it will reflect the current Town vision. An essential part of this process is  learning firsthand from Town residents their goals and desires for the Town of St. Leo. The project kicked off with a public workshop on Wednesday, February 28th, facilitated by consultant, Bonnie C. Landry and Associates. The meeting was offered virtually via Zoom and held in-person at St. Leo University. 

At the workshop, participants were able to share their ideas for the future of St. Leo through small group discussions and live polling with real-time results. In addition, the poll was offered online to get more feedback. We had a great turnout! Thank you to all who attended, participated in the workshop, and/or completed the online poll. 

Comprehensive Plan Information

Florida law requires that all local governments create, adopt, and maintain a Comprehensive Plan, which is a long-range plan for guiding development. A Comprehensive Plan identifies the goals, objectives, and policies to provide for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental, and fiscal development of the area.

This long-range plan guides future decisions of St. Leo as well as its programs, activities, and land development regulations.  A comprehensive plan is different than zoning as it establishes broad themes and policies for the Town. The more specific regulations that guide how an individual house or building is placed on parcel is guided by the land development regulations. It is important to note that when a comprehensive plan is updated, the next step is to review the land development regulations to identify any changes that are needed to ensure it remains in compliance with the updated goals in the long-range plan.

Florida law requires local governments to review their plan at least every seven years to determine whether the plan needs to be updated to reflect current state requirements and to reflect the current vision of the Town.

The Town of St. Leo has determined that changes are needed.


Quick Facts:

  • Comprehensive Plans are required for all Local Governments
    • Governed by Florida Statute 163.3177
    • Reviewed at least one time every 7 years (known as the EAR-based amendments Evaluation and Appraisal Review of the Comprehensive Plan)
  • The project includes three basic components:
    • Public Workshops
    • Data Collection, Analysis and Map Series
    • Goals, Objectives and Policies
  • The Update will look at current conditions and any requirements that are needed to respond to changes in Community Planning Laws.


For more information on the Comprehensive Plan Project, please call Bonnie Landry at 772-266-9427.